Client Privacy and Information Sharing Policy
The purpose of this statement is to outline how Te Whare Ruruhau O Meri protects and manages client information. We recognise that our kaimahi have access to highly personal and confidential information, and we are committed to ensuring all client information is kept safe and confidential.
Information Storage and Management
- All client information is uploaded into our client management system [Excess] with all relevant documents (e.g., assessments, consent forms).
- Excess is password protected.
- Access is restricted to:
- Kaimahi with appropriate authorisation
- Leadership team
- Kaiwhakahaereamō Tūra
- Administration staff
- Kai hautu
- Kaimahi save and close all client files when leaving their workstations, even temporarily, to prevent accidental viewing of client details.
- Client files are retained for 7 years after closure before
being professionally destroyed. Files will be archived in the client management systems.
Information Sharing under Family
Violence Act 2018
Safe and appropriate information sharing within the sector benefits victims and assists front-line Kaimahi to mitigate the risk of harm and address the effects of family violence. It is important to follow proper guidance and use professional judgment when sharing information to ensure victims and others are not put at risk of harm.
Information Sharing Provisions
The information sharing provisions in the Act are designed to:
- Protect people from family violence and make it easier for them to get help
- Ensure information sharing occurs in a way that is safe
- Encourage the sector to share personal information about clients and work collaboratively to respond to family violence
- Provide the sector with certainty and confidence that the law will protect them
Key Principles for Information Sharing
- Safety comes first - Personal information should be shared with the right agencies or practitioners if there are concerns about someone’s safety or they or others are at risk of harm. The Oranga Tamariki Act and Family Violence Act override the limits on disclosure of personal information set out in the Privacy Act 1993 to keep people, including tamariki, safe.
- Proactive sharing is permitted but not usually compulsory - Professionals and agencies should feel confident and empowered to proactively share information when it aligns with the purposes of either Act. However, there are no mandatory information sharing requirements across the social sector (except when Oranga Tamariki or the Police make a request under section 66 of the Oranga Tamariki Act).
- Protection when sharing in good faith - If you share information in good faith and comply with the information sharing provisions in the Acts, you are protected from civil, criminal, or disciplinary proceedings.
- Privacy Act considerations - While the Oranga Tamariki Act and the Family Violence Act override certain disclosure limitations in the Privacy Act, other Privacy Act requirements (such as those relating to storage) still apply.
Compliance and Review
This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains compliant with relevant legislation and continues to provide appropriate protection for our clients’ information.