

We walk alongside whānau. Supporting. Healing. Strengthening

We walk alongside whānau helping them heal and restore oranga. To support whānau to free themselves from family and sexual violence. To guide tāne and wāhine to overcome personal challenges and become stronger, safer parents and partners. To ensure that kaumātua are treasured and respected. And to strengthen hapori whānui for the good of everyone.

You see, we believe a thriving whānau nurtures, loves and cares for its tamariki. And tamariki are taonga!


Our vision & mission

Our vision is an Aotearoa of Whaimana Whānau  (empowered families), Tamariki Harikoa –(joyful children) and Puni tauranga (knowledgeable sector).

Our mahi/mission is Rawea Tū Pākau Roroa Te arataki i te iwi te piki ki nga taumata tiketike. By living our values, we lead the restoration of whānau wellbeing in Aotearoa, supporting whānau in communities facing significant challenges.

Our values

  • Auaha – Nurturing the creative and innovative spirit
  • Te Ao Māori – Valuing the past, present and future of the Māori world
  • Pono – Moving with integrity
  • Tika – Do what is right and just
  • Aroha – Giving unconditional and compassionate service
  • Tū Tangata – Pursuit for excellence
  • Tumanako - Releasing the aspirations


Walking alongside whānau, together

We work with a range of social, government and educational organisations to create meaningful change in the lives of whānau.

Social service organisations
Schools and early learning centres
Government agencies
New Zealand Police services


Te Pūrākau o te Whare


Te Whānau a Hineahuone is established under the auspices of the Anglican Trust for Women and Children as a resource centre for wāhine and their whānau.


Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri Trust is established by Te Hāhi Mihingare, the Māori Anglican Church, and is led by the Reverend Puti Murray to address the complex needs of whānau.


Following the retirement of Reverend Murray, Hera Clarke joins Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri Trust to continue its vital work with whānau.


Our Te Kawa o te Marae wellbeing framework is developed to help whānau better learn to overcome family violence and understand the healing process.


Dee-Ann Wolferstan is appointed CEO and plays a key role in shaping and leading the vision of Te Whare e Tū Nei! (The House that Stands Resilient!), with a mission focused on restoring whānau wellbeing.


Te Whare starts offering services to whānau living in Kaitaia.


Collaborations, partnerships and innovation enable Te Whare to expand and develop services to respond to the changing needs of whānau and hapori.


Te Whare fully establishes its presence in Kaitaia with the official opening of its building.


Te Whare has 51 staff delivering a diverse range of programmes and services across Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau.


Te Tangata

Our Board and leadership team is made up of a group of experienced, passionate and highly skilled individuals committed to reducing violence and leading the restoration of whānau wellbeing in Aotearoa.

Natalie Vincent - 7053


Natalie Vincent


With a focus on making a positive impact, Natalie works as a consultant in the for-purpose sector. With many years of experience and a degree in educational psychology, she is deeply committed to community service. Natalie has extensive governance experience as well as serving as the Chair of Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri Trust, she is also a Trustee and Chair of the Finance & Risk Committee for E Tipu E Rea Whanau Services, manages the Auckland Airport Community Trust and was a founding Trustee and Chair of the Littlemore Trust.

Bishop Kito


The Right Reverend Te Kītohi Pikaahu

Ngāpuhi, Te Aupōuri, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu, Te Roroa, Ngāti Whātua

As Bishop of Te Tai Tokerau and faith leader to Mihingare (Māori Anglicans) in Northland and Auckland, Bishop Pikaahu is an advocate for the wellbeing of Māori and indigenous communities. The longest-serving indigenous bishop in the global Anglican community, he has significant governance experience, including Anglican Liaison Bishop for the New Zealand Defence Force, Deputy Chair of the Chaplain’s Defence Advisory Council and Trustee of several charitable organisations. In 2021, Bishop Pikaahu was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to the Anglican Church and Māori.

Bio Picture Katene


Reverend Katene Eruera 

Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kaharau, Ngāti Kuri, Te Rarawa

With a postgraduate degree in theology, Katene practised law before moving into Anglican ministry, where he has served as a priest and military chaplain. He is currently a PhD candidate at AUT Business School, researching Māori and indigenous leadership models compared to Christian frameworks. Katene has held various roles within the Māori Anglican Church, including on several charitable Trust Boards. He is also Co-Director of the Kingi Ihaka Research Centre and serves as an Archdeacon and Vicar-General in Te Hui Amorangi o Te Tai Tokerau.

Photo Rannie


Reverend Rannie Marsden

Following a career in social work, Rannie is now Kaiwhakamana Rangatahi for Te Pīhopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau. She is completing a Bachelor's degree in Humanities, majoring in Indigenous Studies, Policy, Mihingare Studies and Māori Studies. Rannie is passionate about waka ama and was a founding member of the Parihaka Waka Ama Club and the Hoe Matariki Waka Ama Regatta. She dedicated to creating change within the social sector, especially in delivering whānau programmes that empower families to make positive decisions for their mokopuna.

Jenny Photo


Jen Collings

CG (Affiliated), EMBA, LLB (Hons), DipBS

A seasoned leader in Christian church and charity circles, Jen is the National Director of the CMFnz, providing support to a medical professionals and students across Aotearoa. Jen has a Law Degree and Executive MBA, and engages in freelance governance positions. With experience as an ordained minister and local director of social services at The Salvation Army, she promotes a unified approach to Christian mission across church and social services. Jen also serves as a Board Director at Christian Savings and is an Affiliate Member of The Chartered Governance Institute NZ.



Dr Janet O'Connor

Janet has a background in health, a degree in medicine and public health, and a special interest in youth nutrition and wellbeing. She has over 20 years’ experience working in project management, strategy, policy development and governance in international and Pasifika organisations. Janet is now retired from developmental projects with the Pasifika community, including volunteer work for Kiribati communities in New Zealand. From experience, she knows the negative impact of poverty and violence impact on children’s lives and believes we must protect them and support their wellbeing.



David Tapene

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu

David holds several governance positions. He is currently Chair of Hui Amorangi o Te Taitokerau Trust Board and Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri Trust Board, an Anglican Church General Synod Standing Committee member, Komiti Tumuaki delegate and Lions Hikurangi member. With a background in IT, business analytics and tertiary education in management and tutoring, David is a Kaiwhakamana, Te Pihopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau, Kaikarakia, Haaahi Mihingare and Pouako Te Reo Mihingare. He is also a musician, composer, choral master and Kapa Haka tutor in many Whangarei schools.

deb - te whare board member

Board Secretary

Deborah Davidson

Deborah has extensive experience in corporate and not-for-profit governance. Her career began in human rights and environmental legal claims, working with charities such as Greenpeace, Amnesty International and Women Against Rape. Since moving to New Zealand, Deborah has been involved in several governance programmes for not-for-profit entities supporting vulnerable people and marginalised communities. This includes roles as an advisory board member and governance consultant, advising on governance frameworks. Deborah is deeply passionate about human rights, particularly advocating for female rights.

Our leadership team

Liz 2

Elizabeth Walker

Tāhūhū | CEO
Te Rarawa, Ngāti Tuwharetoa

Tania Beekmans - Photo

Tania Beekmans

Manukura Tāmaki Makaurau


Pāora Graham

Manutaki | Te Tai Tokerau
Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri


Tania Morunga

Manutaki | Te Tai Tokerau
Ngāti Kahu, Ngāpuhi

Mawene Ruka Birch

Pou Tikanga
Ngāpuhi, Ngāri Porou


Marnie Webber

Tumuaki | CFO
BBS - Accountancy, DipProfAcc, CIMA(PQ)


Teena Siteine

Manutaki | Tāmaki Makaurau


Cecelia Taniwha

Manutaki | Tāmaki Makaurau
Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Kuri

Shay Twomey

Shay Twomey

Manutaki | Tāmaki Makaurau


E hara taku toa, I te toa takitahi ēngari he toa taku tini.

My strength is not from myself alone, but from the strength of the collective.

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