
Our Impact

Restoring whānau wellbeing changes everything

Our mahi aims to uplift all whānau we support – from tamariki to kaumātua – creating positive change today and lasting impact for future generations.


Cultural connection

A strong sense of cultural identity strengthens communities and fosters inclusion and a sense of belonging.

By understanding their place within their whakapapa, whānau are better able to contribute to their communities. This sense of belonging creates a stronger, more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and supported.


Stronger whānau

Supporting individuals to break the cycle of family harm paves the way for better outcomes for all members of the whānau.

Family violence often leads to cycles of abuse that can affect generations – impacting behavioural and mental health.

Supporting whānau to overcome family and sexual violence reduces the risk of repeated harmful behaviours and helps break generational cycles of violence.


Safer communities

Safer whānau build stronger, more resilient hapori whānau, providing a stable tūāpapa (foundation) for a safer Aotearoa.

Resilient communities experience less crime, lower rates of violence and reduced pressure on law enforcement and social services. When whānau feel secure, they’re more likely to engage in education, find work and be part of their community.


Thriving tamariki

Growing up in a safe, nurturing and loving environment enables tamariki to reach their full potential.

Children exposed to violence often face developmental delays, emotional trauma and behavioural issues. When tamariki feel secure and supported, they’re more likely to succeed in school, avoid crime and contribute positively to society.

Our impact to date

To date, our mahi has supported hundreds of individuals—and their whānau—to overcome family and sexual violence, heal and strengthen their whānau and care for their tamariki.

Whānau supported by our kaimahi through family and sexual violence events.
Whānau provided with healing and recovery support services on their journey towards wellbeing.
Homes made safer for whānau through the delivery of our programmes.
Requests for spiritual support and guidance from tūroro (patients) and whānau responded to by our Amorangi (chaplains) in Middlemore Hospital.
Registered social workers, committed to supporting whānau in overcoming challenges for the well-being of their tamariki.


Healing the harm. Restoring the aroha

When Rowena* and Moana* were expecting a pēpi together, their histories of trauma and violence meant their child was likely to be removed from their care. Determined to change and to care for their pēpi themselves, Moana referred himself to our Non-violence Programme and Rowena referred herself to our Wāhine Safety Programme.

Today, they’re both in a much better place. Moana and Rowena are now caring for their healthy pēpi together. Rowena has her other two tamariki back in her care and is rebuilding her relationship with them. Moana is working towards becoming a certified mentor to help other tāne break free from cycles of violence. With the support and guidance of our kaimahi, they are continuing their journey towards healing and recovery – and becoming the parents they really want to be.



Walking alongside whānau, every year

Year in and year out, we make a tangible difference to the lives of the tamariki, tāne, wāhine, mātua and kaumātua we support. Read our annual reports to learn more about our impact.

Full audited annual and performance reports are available on the Charities Register, or by emailing whanau@tewhare.org.nz